Cover Letter

My vision is to become a DoD/IC leader in the maturing and transitioning of advanced capabilities across the technology development “valley of death”. My mission is to implement innovative strategies to develop, acquire, and transition evolutionary and revolutionary capabilities that support the Warfighter, maintain the battlespace advantage, and inspire/mentor the next generation of engineers and scientists. I value growth, competence, and self-discipline in my pursuit to become better every day.

I currently serve as a deputy branch chief in the Office of Space Launch (OSL), Launch Management Division at the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), where I lead strategic development and transitioning of launch and on-orbit capabilities. In this role, I also lead a team of military, civilian, and contractor personnel to deliver future launch solutions and offer flexible/tailorable launch support services. Prior to joining NRO, I was a mechanical engineer at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) working on research projects involving Warfighter protection, metal/ceramic additive manufacturing, injury biomechanics, and applications of machine learning in those areas. While I have developed expertise in these areas, my interests extend beyond these to any mission which supports U.S. national security and benefit our Soldiers and civilians.

I hold degrees in aerospace engineering (B.S., M.S.) and industrial engineering (Ph.D.) along with a graduate certificate in applied statistics. In each degree as well as in my professional career, I have been successful in quickly adapting to and overcoming new challenges with limited direction. In each stage of my education and career, I have undertaken projects without extensive prior experience in the topical area; at each juncture, I have been able to successfully deliver a final product/report by developing an effective strategy, leveraging resources available to me, and collaborating with subject matter experts. My success in these projects is fundamentally derived from personality as a self-starter and my value of growth, competence, and self-discipline. I bring a growth mindset to all aspects of my life in that I believe that every ability/skill can be learned/developed through dedication and hard work. I use self-discipline to potentiate my growth mindset by constantly setting goals then making incremental, daily progress toward those goals. My growth mindset and self-discipline, in turn, yield a constantly growing and evolving set of professional and personal competencies that equip me to adapt to and work in novel fast-paced environments with ease, including working on multiple projects at once and leading diverse teams.

I have developed expertise in fields ranging from biomechanics, electromagnetics, and space technology to machine learning and acquisitions. However, my most valuable skill is my ability to effectively transform complex/abstract technical requirements into tangible objectives with concrete deadlines regardless of specific application or field. As such, I am seeking opportunities across the DoD/IC where I can continue growing and developing as a senior leader, including leading a team of teams, continuing my education via formal degrees and certifications, and participating in leadership development activities. An ideal position would allow me the flexibility to identify critical Warfighter/Joint Force issues, craft and execute a development/acquisition strategy with a multidisciplinary team that culminates in a successful tech transition, mentor and develop young engineers and scientists, and grow into a senior executive level position.